Sunday, June 20, 2010


a big HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all of the dads out there! we're celebrating our own Father's Day here in room 528, although my dad is a bit of a party pooper and has decided to sleep through the majority of the morning:)
my dad becomes a little more like himself a bit each day. yesterday, for the first time, he was able to speak new words! he isn't yet able to articulate what he wants to say, but just the fact that he is making new letter sounds is super exciting for us.
he is able to stay awake much longer as well, and seems much more attentive to what is going on around him . . . i think with this new awareness also comes a new frustration, and we often feel so helpless watching him try to tell us what he wants or is thinking when he doesn't have the words to share it. he uses a lot of body language, and we're slowly learning to understand what different actions mean.
he has a pretty obvious dislike for hospital food, which is definitely a good sign that he is coming around . . . we've done some browsing in the cafeteria and the deli to try and find him some better food options. he can't yet handle pure liquids (such as water) or very harder, tough solids (like crackers or meat) because his ability to swallow isn't the best, although it's improving rapidly.
we're also seen some great improvement in his ability to respond . . . he's nodded his head, held up four fingers when asked how many daughters he had (thank goodness he got that one right!), and smiles easily at our constant jokes and conversations.
the brain swelling has gone down a LOT, and we know that we're out of the critical period now, which is such a wonderful thing to know. his vitals remain steady, and he hardly requires any medication. we're hoping to be able to transfer him sometime early this week to Mayo Clinic, where he will begin therapy. of course, all of us will tag along and spend those weeks in Rochester with him!



  1. What wonderful news for Father's Day!! We are praying without ceasing.....the Lord even wakes me up in the night to pray for you Geoff, and it is an honor to do so! Thanks, Maggie, for sharing so faithfully how prayers are being answered. Praise God!

  2. Happy Fathers Day, Geoff!!!

    I know the HHH in you will get you through your journey back- you are both fighters. I can't imagine how frustrating and frightening this must be but I have to believe that the love surrounding you will give you comfort and inspiration. You and yours are in my constant prayers and I will be looking forward to reading more heartening good news as you regain your health.

    We will always be brothers! Now, get busy and get well !!!!


  3. Hi Maggy,

    thank you for all you write, all the good and great news and up dates on your dad and your family. I wanted to encourage you to keep it up, this is a great testimony and I pray that it blesses you to write it, too. Thank you not only for the reports but also for opening a window into your lifes and hearts...and into God's (through you all).
    Love Eu

  4. Thank you too for the pictures. It good to see them.

    Having worked for your Dad for 7 years I know how determined he is.....I just know he will have a speedy therapy.

    Tell him I will keep the coffee maker in the conference room in working order for him.

    Ronae Rose

  5. Hello Hathaways! Thank you for the updates. Geoff, you and your family are in my constant thoughts and prayers. We are sending you Hip Hip Hoorays every step of the way.
    Want to share some photos that were in a project i have been working on.Hope you enjoy them! Sorry you may have to cut and paste...

    Love, Patti

  6. Maggie--thank you so much for taking the time to write these updates. Since I can't call your mother 3 times a day, every day (even though I want to!) - this is such a wonderful substitute. I am SO glad to know how your dear father is doing. I think today is the best, most blessed Father's Day you may ever share together. I continue to send love and prayers to ALL of you every single day. Geoff is being showered with love and blessings - as all of you are.
    Julie K.

  7. MAGGIE! i'm so happy to see improvements! just know that i'm praying hardcore ova here for your daddy! i love and miss you dearly!

    ~jflynn <3

  8. Maggie, thank you for the updates. So happy to hear that Geoff is doing so much better. My prayer is like the rest that he continues! But now about the rest of you Hathaway's what can I do? And what can I pray for?

  9. Yes, thank you Maggie for keeping us all up-to-date. It is wonderful to hear that recovery is in process. It reminds me of my favorite mantra from the Catholic mystic Julian of Norwich: "And all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well."
    Be well Geoff! The Stermers are praying for you!
    Ellen Moore

  10. You are still all in our daily thoughts and prayers here at the Stevens home. We love the updates and are encouraged right along with you as we read them. We love you all and will be with you all through this journey. We sure are missing seeing you in Church though. Can't wait til you are all back home so we can give you all a huge hug!!! Marc, Jan, Megan, Darin and Rachel
